Megastar Chiranjeevi’s ‘Bhola Shankar’ is all set to release on August 11. Meanwhile, the Producer of the film, Anil Sunkara is having trouble because of Akhil Akkineni’s Agent. Producer Anil Sunkara’s difficulties were expected to be solved with Bhola Shankar’s film. The producer has lost many crores of rupees due to the film Agent. In this process, a distributor has filed a case against Anil Sunkara.
However, the controversy between AK Entertainments and Vizag Gayathri Satish had taken a new turn. Gayatri Satish’s case turned into a forgery case. The AK Entertainments had found that the documents submitted by Gayatri Satish to the court were forged documents. They even had found out that they were forged documents and had also applied to the Truth Lab (Fact-Finding) Department for the report. Now, the distributor, Gayatri Satish gives counter on Agent Producer Anil Sunkara for spreading forgery rumors.
He released a press note saying I indeed he has paid 30 Crores money to Anil Sunkara and acquired the distribution rights of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka States. But AK Entertainments breached the agreement and gave the rights only for Vizag area. When he tried to contact the producer’s office, he was informed that the film, Agent, became a big disaster.
So they assured him of compensation and even provided an undertaking letter. After taking the letter, Gayatri Satish believed he will get his money back. AK Entertainments also gave him the rights to the recent blockbuster Samajavaragamana, but Gayatri Satish could recover only some amount of his losses.
However, after him not receiving rights of Bhola Shankar, Gayatri Satish filed a petition on Anil Sunkara. As said above, Anil Sunkara and team alleged that Gayatri Satish had used forged documents. Now Gayatri Satish gives counter to Anil Sunkara and he stated that he will arrange an official press meet after the court verdict on Wednesday evening, i.e, today.