Actress-turned-politician Khushbu Sundar, who recently became a member of the National Commission for Women (NCW), told of her own case of sexual assault. The BJP leader revealed in a new interview with Barkha Dutt on behalf of Mojo Story that she was sexually assaulted by her father from the age of eight and could not speak against him until she was fifteen years old.
Khushbu has said, “I think when a child is abused, it scars the child for life and it’s not about a girl or a boy. My mother has been through the most abusive marriage. A man who probably thought it was his birthright to beat up his wife, beat up his children, sexually abuse his only daughter. When my abuse started I was just 8 years old and I had the courage to speak against him when I was 15.”
Stating that she was doubtful that anyone would believe her, she added, “One fear that stayed with me was my mom may not believe me because I have seen her in that environment where there was ‘kuch bhi hojaye mera pati devata hai (no matter what happens, my husband is my God)’ mindset. But at 15 I thought that it was enough and I started revolting against him. I was not even 16 and he left us with whatever we had and we didn’t know where the next meal will come from.”
Khushbu Sundar is an actor, film producer and TV anchor. She had joined the DMK at first, but later moved to Congress and became the party spokesperson. She eventually made it to the BJP and participated in the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections in 2021, but was defeated by N Ezhilan of the DMK.