Actress Keerthy Suresh, who was seen last in Nani’s Dasara, is in talks for Naga Chaitanya’s next project. After a debacle like Custody, Naga Chaitanya is all set to work with Chandoo Mondeti for a new film under Geetha Arts banner. It is said that Keerthy Suresh is in consideration for the female lead’s role.
Young director Chandoo Mondeti is one of the hardcore fans of King Nagarjuna. He has expressed his admiration for Akkineni heroes on several occasions, and he has already done two films with Naga Chaitanya. Now they are both getting ready to do another film.
Naga Chaitanya and Chandoo’s film is being planned by GA 2 Pictures banner. Producer Bunny Vaas already told that Naga Chaitanya will play a fisherman’s role in the film, and it will be made in a rural backdrop. It is being said that there is a room for two heroines in this film. Actress Keerthy Suresh will reportedly play the female lead role, while Anupama Parameswaran will appear as the other heroine.
So far, Naga Chaitanya and Keerthy Suresh have not acted together. Chaitanya was seen in the role of Akkineni Nageswara Rao in Keerthy Suresh’s Mahanati. So, this new film will be their first film together. Anupama has already done ‘Premam’ with Naga Chaitanya and Chandoo Mondeti.
Geetha Arts produced 100 Percent Love with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya in the lead role. The film was a super hit back then. So, this top production house will try to repeat the magic again. Chandoo Mondeti made two films with Naga Chaitanya, Malayalam remake Premam and Savyasachi. The former one was a successful film, while the latter miserably failed at the box office.