The Bollywood actress Kajol has made a satire on Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan’s box office collections, which has been wtingkuy interpreted by many fans as a dig at the star. In a video of a promotional interview for her web-series ‘The Trial’, the actress was asked about Shah Rukh Khan’s film Pathaan. Her answer was in a tone of satire, which was not too well received by SRK fans.
It is very well known to everyone that Shah Rukh and Kajol are considered as one of the best on-screen pairs in Bollywood. However, Kajol hit the top trends on social media for the wrong reasons this Sunday afternoon, when her remark about ‘Pathaan’ box office collections, was viewed as a sly dig at Shah Rukh Khan.
A video clip of the actress from a promotional interview for the web series ‘The Trial’ has been doing the rounds on social media. In the clip, the interviewer asks Kajol about the one thing she would like to ask the superstar. To this, the actress first says, “Shah Rukh Khan? What will I ask him?” After a long thought, she says, “How much did Pathaan really make?” The video ends with her smiling.
Interestingly, while some fans took it as nothing more than friendly banter, the other heroes fans viewed the clip as a dig at the superstar. A section of SRK fans say that Kajol just tried to pull a hilarious statement, but people have misunderstood her and trying to spread negativity against King Khan.
A few netizens believe that the actress was uncovering a secret about the fake box office numbers of Pathaan. They are saying Insiders will know about Pathaan’s fake collections. Bollywood actors are known for pulling each other’s leg by making fun of their films or results. Kajol too might have followed the same trend, but she got herself into unnecessary controversy.