Young hero Aadi Saikumar’s high-octane action-thriller ‘Tees Maar Khan’. It is being directed by Natakam Fame Kalyanji Gogana and is all set to hit the big screens soon. Meanwhile, the team is promoting the movie and the previously released teasers, songs are getting a good response. Today, they have dropped in the theatrical trailer which takes the expectations very high.
Aadi Saikumar who played different shades in ‘Tees Maar Khan’ will appear with his exceptional performance. Director Kalyanji Gogana has presented the actor as a mass appealing action-oriented character. He actually takes charge to take on the gangsters who create a horrific situation in the city.
The interesting aspect is, that Aadi’s role has three shades- a student, a rowdy and a cop. He also has a love track with Payal Rajput and the youth will love it. While Aadi Saikumar steals the show with his remarkable performance, particularly as the police officer, Payal oozed enough oomph as his girlfriend.
From his entry to bashing the goons to uttering punchy dialogues, Aadi is just stupendous. The love track is youthful and Payal Rajput appeared in a glamorous role. Visuals look stylish and grand, music director Sai Karthik elevates the scenes with his terrific background score.
Bal Reddy is the cinematographer, and Manikanth is the editor of the movie. The makers are planning to release the movie soon.