Pawan Kalyan’s recent visit to Ippatam village in Guntur district has created ripples in Andhra Pradesh politics. According to latest news, a case has been registered on him for rash driving, sitting on the roof of the car and blocking highway by leading a troop of vehicles.
It is known that Pawan recently visited Ippatam and interacted with the natives who lost their residential properties due to the government’s road widening program.
While on his way to Ippatam, Pawan travelled on the top of his car on a highway. This visual went viral on social media. Now, a police case has been filed against Pawan over the same.
A Case has been filed against Pawan over dangerous conduct. The case has been registered at Tadepalli police station. IPC 336, 177 MV act case has been filed against Pawan. Furthermore, a case was registered on Pawan’s driver over dangerous driving charges.
When Pawan reached out to the people who lost their homes in road widening in Ippatam village. The village was in news for giving land for a janasena event early this year. According to Janasena supporters, Andhra Pradesh Government is doing vendetta politics on ippatam villagers.
However, Political rallies aren’t new and this exclusive cases on Pawan are surprising. In public life, cases on politicians are everyday things as commented by political analysts.