Manchu Vishnu has made a stunning accusation on a ‘noted leading star’ in Tollywood. The MAA President has stated that this particular person is behind the targeted trolls through YouTube and social media against him and his family.
Vishnu stated that an IT Company has been set up in Jubilee Hills with 21 employees. The primary target for this company is trolling Manchu family.
“I have taken the help of Cyber police and shared the list of all these IP addresses. Incidentally one of these IP addresses is of a leading Tollywood actor,” he said. Manchu Vishnu also said that his team has identified 18 YouTube channels whose only job is harassing actors and their families and he promised that strict action will be taken against them.
Vishnu’s allegations come on the heels of his upcoming film Ginna. The film stars Payal Rajput and Sunny Leone alongside him and is a comedy entertainer.