Netizens had a field day over a reported mix up between Tollywood actors Nikhil and Nithiin. This mix up is not regarding any movies but apparently due to a misunderstanding from BJP’s end. Earlier last month BJP National Chief JP Nadda met actor Nithiin during his visit to Hyderabad. This meeting raised many eyebrows as there was absolutely no connection between the two.
Now with new reports emerging, things have started to become much clear. Apparently, the BJP Chief intended to meet Nikhil and congratulate the young actor on the massive success of Karthikeya 2. Karthikeya 2 showcased Hindu mythology in great light and was appreciated by audiences all over India.
However, as per a theory floating on social media, a comical mix up between Nikhil and Nithiin led to JP Nadda meeting latter instead. This mix-up has become the talk of the town and netizens are having a great time sharing memes and trolls on this matter.
Karthikeya 2 is on a roll at the box office breaking one record after another. Days after this Nikhil starrrer entered the Rs 100 crores club, it has now achieved another major milestone. Karthikeya 2 has now hit the $1.5 million mark at the US box office making Nikhil the latest entrant into this elite club.