Prashanth Neel, who had shaken the Indian box office with the KGF series, and pan India star Prabhas, who set a new benchmark for the Indian box office with Baahubali series and with the openings of his recent films have joined hands for the biggest mass actioner Salaar. When the film is being made in such a massive combination, there is no need to specifically mention the level of expectations on the film. The makers of the film, Salaar reminded the audience and fans of Prabhas that there are just 100 days left to witness this biggest project of this year.
“Time to give the world the CPR it needs. Get ready for #Salaar on Sep. 28, 2023” read the tweet from the account of official Salaar team. This tweet has raised the expectations on the film to the next level. The fans are now making the tweet viral and saying 100 days more for the rise of most violent man.
It is understandable that when a director like Prashanth Neel is directing Salaar it will be definitely a high voltage action entertainer. Prabhas’s first look was revealed in Salaar many days ago with a caption “The most violent man, called one man, the most violent” took the hype to the peak level.
Prabhas will be reportedly seen in two different shades in ‘Salaar’, which is being made with a dark-centric theme. The shooting of the film is almost complete. The remaining hooting part of Salaar will be completed as soon as possible. Prashanth Neel is all set to start the post-production work of Salaar.
Salaar has Prabhas in the lead role along with Prithviraj Sukumaran in the character of Vardharaja Mannaar, co-starring Jagapathi Babu and Shruti Haasan in other prominent roles.