Tollywood Actor, Nikhil was a decent range Actor of Tollywood until he witnessed a Pan India success with his Karthikeya 2. The film became a sensational hit grossing more than 100 crores worldwide. This was totally unexpected from the team and audience as well. His recent film, Appudo Ippudo Eppudo has released yesterday and opened with a poor talk. The film also had a zero share on the opening day making it a big embarrassment for the Pan India dreamer, Nikhil.
After Karthikeya 2, Nikhil had two releases in the form of 18 Pages and Spy. 18 Pages did okayish. Spy too opened with good numbers but crashed on Day 2 itself. Now, Appudo Ippudo Eppudo went even further and heading towards a big disaster. The film has been postponed due to financial reasons as well. Likewise, it had no pre-buzz and content of the film has also been panned down.
The film registered deficits on the opening day itself grossing a zero share shockingly. Many feel that the film should have arrived directly on the OTT instead of coming in the theatres. These three films’ result is a big embarrassment for Nikhil who is eagerly aspiring to prove himself as a Pan India Actor. He also linedup Swayambhu for which he has been working hard physically. We have to see what happens with that as well.