Ram Charan and Shankar’s upcoming action-drama RC15 has been making waves right from the day it was announced. The film was launched grandly in Hyderabad last year and was attended by Bollywood, Tollywood and Kollywood biggies.
The film’s shooting is on and is going on at a great pace. Amidst this, reports are emerging that Zee Studios has bagged the non-theatrical rights of the film for a massive amount. The non-theatrical rights are in excess of Rs 150 crores and Dil Raju can easily bag Rs 200 crores from theatrical rights considering its a Shankar and Ram Charan project. Anything less than Rs 300 crores budget for the film would mean direct table profit for Dil Raju.
RC15 will star Kiara Advani in the lead. The film also stars Sunil, Srikanth, and Jayaram among others. Dil Raju and Sirish are producing the film under SVC Creations while SS Thaman is giving the music for the film.
This mega ambitious projecr is going to be on an anti-corruption theme. Ram Charan’s character is going to play an anti-corruption crusader in this social drama. This film is going to be unlike any of the other Shankar films.