Tollywood Actor Gopichand and Director Srinu Vaitla have joined their hands for Viswam. The film’s shoot has been completed and the teaser was also released yesterday. The film is a fun ride one with a bit of action as seen from the teaser. However, there was one more thing that attracted the eyeballs from the teaser. A famous dialogue of AP political leader, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy was used in Viswam which is now going viral on social media platforms.
Jagan Mohan Reddy once spoke with the press and one of his dialogues from that press meet became very popular later. Now, the same dialogue was used in teaser by the lead Actor, Gopichand. He was seen uttering them in a funny way probably in a comedy scene from the film. This came as a big suprise and netizens have been sharing this.
On the other hand, the film’s release date has already been announced as October 11th aiming the Dussehra season. Gopichand and Srinu Vaitla are badly in need of a hit and they hope that Viswam could deliver them the much needed relief. The film stars Kavya Thapar in the female lead role along side many other noted comedians starring throughout the film.