India has been suffering from Corona Crisis for the last three months. Despite implementing several lockdowns and restrictions the spread of the COVID-19 virus couldn’t be controlled. Many states got affected severely by the virus and Tamil Nadu is the third most affected state in India after Maharashtra and Delhi.
In Tamil Nadu, new cases are being registered daily, and now the total number of cases is close to 60k. Keeping this in view, CM Palniswami announced the extension of lockdown till June 30th. Earlier, the Tamil Nadu government is the first government to permit permissions for post-production works. Later when the Indian government has announced Unlock 1.0 then TN Government has permitted TV serial and film shootings to resume. But now due to the rapid spread of the virus, the government ordered to suspend all the shootings till this month-end as of now. The same may be followed in many states further. Even Telugu State governments have given permissions for shootings but except 2-3 small budget films rest of the film, shoots haven’t started.