In the Telugu film industry, if we look at the top heroines of Tollywood, we get names of actresses like Pooja Hegde, Rashmika Mandanna, Keerthy Suresh, Kajal Aggarwal, Tamannaah, Samantha, Rakul Preet Singh who have entertained the audiences over the last decade. But none of them from the Telugu states or origin.
Vaishnavi Chaitanya the actress who got famous as a social media influencer is now become a center of point for this discussion. It is very well known to everyone that the latest small film, Baby starring Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya in the lead roles, was released on Friday and achieved resounding success.
“Why do our filmmakers mostly bring heroines from the North? Many people question this, but the Telugu actresses never got the same kind of encouragement, nor they have seen stardom like the actresses who come from North India.
There are many Telugu actresses who deserve a better position in the industry, but our filmmakers always like to import heroines from the other states and Telugu actresses have been just limited to doing 2nd heroine or OTT contents.
Now with the small recent film, Baby the movie Telugu actress Vaishnavi Chaitanya has impressed everyone with her amazing acting skills and received massive applause for performing well in a complicated role. The film also became a massive blockbuster at the box office.
At present, the question in everyone’s mind will our makers give a break to her, or she also needs to struggle despite achieving big success with her first film?