It is widely known that the previous film of Megastar Chiranjeevi, Bhola Shankar was the biggest disaster at the box office. So after such debacle, Chiranjeevi wants to deliver a massive success with his next film and this is the reason he canceled the project with Kalyan Krishna, and now he is doing a big film with Bimbisara director Mallidi Vashishta.
The film is a high-budget film with a fantasy backdrop and the shoot is expected to start from next year beginning. The team is currently busy in pre-production and the buzz is Chiranjeevi wants this film to be released on Sankranthi 2025 at any cost because Sankranthi is a blockbuster month for Chiranjeevi, and after his comeback he scored big blockbusters like Khaidi No 150 and Waltair Veerayya that were released for Sankranthi.
But now there is said to be a chance that Ram Charan’s Game Changer, which is going through a lot of delay in its filming, might get postponed to 2025 Sankranthi. So, now the question is: Will Chiru give away the Sankranthi date to Ram Charan if Game Changer really happens to be released during the same season?
While Game Changer has had many rumored dates even before, but no matter at what time the work of the film finishes, it will definitely eye a big release date only. So we must wait and see whether Chiranjeevi sacrifice the Sankranthi date for Ram Charan or not.