Sai Rajesh’s Baby has shocked one and all with its superb box office run. The film opened with great collections and continued the momentum during the weekdays as well. Several centers saw solid occupancy and the audience lapped up this youthful romantic drama which was powered by some great music. The film performed extremely well on weekdays and posted terrific numbers for week 1 which were almost on par with medium-budget films.
Now the question in everyone’s mind will the film, Baby movie will be able to reach the magical figure of 100 Crores Gross or not. Until now, the film’s box office performance has gone well beyond the expectations of all with each passing day. So even achieving this milestone also should not be a problem for it.
The movie has collected more than 65 Crores gross until now, and it is still running strong at the box office as even today also the movie has registered houseful shows. By looking at the trend, the movie will definitely collect in the around 90 Crores gross and if the movie has a good run for another 2 weeks, then definitely it will have a chance to hit the 100 Crores club as well.
Starring Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Anand Deverakonda, and Viraj Ashwin in the lead roles and Naga Babu in a key role, the film created a strong impact right from day 1. The music by Vijay Bulganin managed to attract the youth and create great buzz for the movie way before its release.