At the teaser launch event of his upcoming film The Ghost, Nagarjuna along with the entire unit of the movie had a candid chat with the media. Nagarjuna responded to a number of questions regarding ‘The Ghost’ as well as his recent movies.
Answering one question about why Officer and Wild Dog didn’t work out as expected, the senior actor was quick to jump to the defense of Wild Dog and said that the movie was not unsuccessful.
“Due to the Delta variant, the theatres were avoided by the people. So theatrically the movie might have not worked out as expected. But when the same movie was released on Netflix, it stayed in the No.1 trending position not just in India but wold over for 10 weeks. How can you call it an unsuccessful movie then?” questioned Nagarjuna.
Regarding Officer, you have to as Ram Gopal Varma as he’s the one who directed it said the actor. Nagarjuna added that there is no way to find out which movie will work and which movie won’t hence it is best to movies that your heart approves.
The Ghost will release on 5th October and Praveen Sattaru will direct this film. Nagarjuna, along with Sonal Chauhan will be seen as Interpol officers and it will be an action-packed film.