Mega fans have been quite irked with Allu Arjun for his activities of late. These issues further came to light when Allu Arjun went to Nandyal to express support to his friend Shilpa Ravi. As the release of Pushpa 2 neared, several activities of fans of Icon Star’s fuelled this fire.
Allu Arjun himself has created some distance between him and the Mega family and has not put any effort into sorting out the issue. His recent public statements and actions have further increased this gap.
Now a film like Pushpa 2 which is one of the biggest Indian films could have resolved all the rumours. He could have easily called Chiranjeevi for the recent pre-release event but chose not to. Even after the film he has maintained a diplomatic stance.
Pushpa 2 producers and Sukumar met Chiranjeevi today and sought the Megastar’s blessings. Allu Arjun on the other hand, was absent and maintained the distance. Being the younger one, many are hoping Allu Arjun resolves the issue and takes an initiative as it was his actions which even gave rise to these differences.