Nandamuri Balakrishna is being trolled heavily on social media after his speech from his film ‘Veera Simha Reddy’ success meet went viral. He spoke wrongly about legendary actor Akkineni Nageshwar Rao, who is the father of Nagarjuna, the grandfather of actors Naga Chaitanya and Akhil Akkineni.
The distasteful comments by Balakrishna didn’t pass smoothly with the fans of Akkineni clan and also other heroes fans too criticized the derogatory remarks of Balakrishna about ANR.
These comments didn’t go down well with the young actors of Akkineni family too, as Naga Chaitanya and Akhil Akkineni took to their official social media handles to give counter to Balayya.
At Veera Simha Reddy success meet, Balayya was heard saying, “My father Sr NTR had some contemporaries, aa Ranga Rao (referring to SV Ranga Rao), Akkineni, Thokkineni, and some others,” speaking about his father NT Rama Rao’s contemporaries.
Since 3 days from his comments Akkineni fans and the normal audience are demanding an apology or an official response from Balakrishna, but he is still maintaining silence, which is surprising everyone. Now we have to wait and see whether he will respond to the criticism coming towards him or not.