The story of trouble in this star couple’s marriage has shaken the T-town. According to inside sources, all’s not well with this young couple and they are heading towards a split. Some years back when the couple got married the entire film industry celebrated and fans were on cloud nine and it all looked like a fairytale wedding. Even the national media went all gaga over the couple and their big wedding.
However, things are not going great nowadays. The star couple’s relationship reportedly has now gone to stages beyond redemption. A few months ago when a similar crack developed in their marriage, the parents of this young couple tried to set everything right and counseled. However, now, things reportedly have gone too far and divorce seems to be the only way out.
This development has come as a major shock for the Tollywood fraternity as well as the couple’s respective fans. The reports of cracks in the marriage have been surfacing for the past week or so and everybody brushed them off thinking of them as rumours. However, it seems there’s more reality to the reports than ever.