Featuring young actors, Suhas, Venkatesh Maha, Tharun Bhascker, Bindhu Madhavi, Madonna Sebastian, Ravindra Vijay, Phani Acharya and others in the lead roles, Web Series ‘Anger Tales’ started streaming on OTT online platform Disney Plus Hot Star from today. The pre-release event of the 4 – episode web series was held last night in Hyderabad, and the team had a few special guests in attendance.
The trailer of the Anger Tales series came out recently and was well received by the audience. Now the earlier response and reviews are also coming very well for the series. The story of the series is based on the most common emotion of the public, which is anger.
Anger Tales stars Venkatesh Maha, Suhas, Tharun Bhascker, Ravindra Vijay, Phani Acharya, Bindu Madhavi, and Madonna Sebastian in the major roles. Prabhala Tilak is the writer and director of the film. Smaran Sai composed the music.
Out of the four stories, An Afternoon Nap starring Bindhu Madhavi is receiving a superb response from the netizens as many felt that the episode was very natural and brought out the emotional aspect in an effective manner. Anger Tales is all about four characters that experience extreme anger because of each other’s plight in their lives.
The first story is about Ranga (Venkatesh Maha), a desperate fan of a star hero who is hell-bent on screening his favorite hero’s benefit show at 7 PM in a single screen. The second story is about a married woman, Pooja Reddy (Madonna Sebastian), who is restricted by her vegan husband and mother-in-law from having food of her choice.
The third story relates to a housewife named Radha (Bindhu Madhavi), whose sleep is disrupted by the constant, loud chatter of her hose owner and their family. The fourth and final story is about a 32-year-old man, Giridhar (Phani Acharya), who faces hardships both in his personal and professional life because of his bald head.