SS Rajamouli’s Chatrapathi’s Hindi remake was released yesterday to poor reviews and no enthusiasm from the audience. This Bollywood project starred Bellamkonda Sreenivas making his Hindi debut alongside Nushrat Bharucha. VV Vinayak directed the film and made his Bollywood directorial debut with this action entertainer.
The film created great curiosity in the Tollywood circles and the fans were keen to see how the Hindi version would be received. If the reviews and word of mouth are anything to go by, the Hindi audience has rejected this poorly executed film.
VV Vinayak has removed a lot of crucial parts from the original story to ensure short runtime. This move backfired and killed the emotion of the film which was one of the strong points of Prabhas’ original version. VV Vinayak focussed exclusively on action and many felt there was an overdose of fight scenes with some pretty loud BGM that made the viewing experience uncomfortable.
The strongest points of the original version were Prabhas’ rugged looks and intense performance along with SS Rajamouli’s perfect mix of action and emotions. The Hindi version failed short on all these elements and several critics termed this VV Vinayak film- outdated