Tollywood Actor, Vishwak Sen who recently tasted failure with Gangs of Godavari is coming with a different attempt for his upcoming project. The film is titled Laila. This film will see Vishwak Sen playing a lady getup for the first time in his career. It’s really a surprising and daring attempt for any hero. No hero of this present generation had attempted this before as well.
Actor Vishwak Sen is often found doing different genre of films. He will be seen as a man and a woman in the film. Laila is produced by Sahu Garapati of Shine Screens. Ram Narayan, the director has penned powerful script to present Vishwak Sen in a never before character as Laila. The film’s pooja ceremony was also done yesterday with Akanksha Sharma debuting as lead heroine with the film. Tanishk Bagchi and Ghibran will score music for the film with Brahma Kadali as the Art Director. Richard Prasad will act as Cinematographer for the film.
On the other hand, Gangs of Godavari, Vishwak Sen’s previous film became a big disappointment for actor and he has to bounce back hard with Laila now. However, it has to be seen how the experimental film works.