Vishwak Sen’s latest film, Das Ka Dhamki had a fantastic opening day at the box office. The Theatricals of the film were valued at 8 Crores and the surprising thing is that the movie has recovered around 50% of the business on the opening day itself by collecting between 4 Crores share.
With the advantage of Ugadi festival, the film has now registered the highest number for a Vishwak Sen starrer by miles. Now the movie requires a decent hold on the weekend, which would be enough for the movie to achieve hit status at the box office.
The trade circles expected the film to take festive advantage on day 1, and it lived up to the expectations of everyone. Das Ka Dhamki also gathered good numbers in the USA. The overall collection of the USA (premiers and first day combined) will be over 150K.
Das Ka Dhamki featured Vishwak Sen in a dual role for the first time, and the songs of this film had attracted youth well. Nivetha Pethuraj is the female lead, while Rao Ramesh and Akshara Gowda appeared in key roles.
Prasanna Kumar Bezawada has written Das Ka Dhamki’s story, while Vishwak himself directed the film along with providing the screenplay, dialogues. Leon James composed the music for the film. The film is produced by Karate Raju and Vishwak Sen.