Young actor Vishwak Sen who has made a nice image for himself as an actor within a very short span of career, is all set to make his debut as a host in Family Dhamaka, the new game show which will be streaming on Aha Video. During the promo launch of the game show, Vishwak explained perfectly about the recent pan India myth in the industry.
“I am not the genius who sits and calculates that this film is Pan India, so it will hit 100 crores or 200 crores” said Vishwak. He also stated that sometimes people think they have made a Pan Indian film, but it turns out to be a gully film.
Aha, the no1 Telugu OTT platform, is trying to deliver the best experience to its subscribers. The renowned OTT space will be redefined by joining hands with young sensation Vishwak Sen. Fondly called as Mass Ka Das, Vishwak Sen will now make his OTT debut with the game show Family Dhamaka to reach wider audiences. The promo for this highly entertaining family show was released by Aha, before its OTT premiere.
Vishwak Sen is ready to entertain the OTT viewers with his crazy energy and flawless timing. The Game show’s atmosphere is perfectly captured by the glimpses shown from multiple episodes. Vishwak Sen is seen in a playful mood in the promo, and the participants are also having a good time with his spontaneous one-liners. Mass Ka Das will be playing the game with many common families, celebrities, singers, and actors. As Vishwak Sen said, “Family Dhamka idhi Das Ka ilaaka”, the actor just owns the stage and entertains everyone with his quick humor. The promo promises that every family will experience tons of entertainment, thrill, and happiness with this show.
The game show is ready to be streamed on the Telugu’s favorite OTT platform, Aha Video, starting September 8, every Friday at 8pm. Mass Ka Das is ready to develop more relationships with family audiences and be one of them.