Vishwak Sen challenges Ram. The young actor took to his social media account and announced that his upcoming film will be released on March 8th, 2024. It is widely known that the movie, Gangs of Godavari was postponed from 8th December and now locked 8th March as release date. In the past, Vishwak sen himself confirmed that the movie is getting postponed due to competition and industry always attacks the hero who has no background. Now Vishwak Sen challenges Ram
Vishwak had penned an emotional post and later deleted, but now he is challenging Ram Pothineni as Double Ismart, the film which is a sequel for the blockbuster Ismart Shankar is also scheduled to be released on the same 8th March date and definitely there will be a massive hype for this film. Fans are now curious for the film as Vishwak Sen challenges Ram.
Reportedly, Vishwak Sen will play a gray character in Gangs of Godavari, his upcoming movie, for the first time. This film has been written and directed by Krishna Chaitanya. At Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinema, the film is being produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi and Sai Soujanya on a large scale. Venkat Upputuri and Innamuri Gopi Chand are the Co-Producers. Srikara Studios is presenting the film.
Neha Shetty, the glamorous beauty, is playing the female lead role, and well-known actress Anjali will also be playing a significant role. The film’s music will be composed by popular composer Yuvan Shankar Raja. Suttamla Soosi song, from his album for the film has already gone viral. The film’s new release date has been announced by the makers.
The movie will be released in theaters for summer on March 8th, 2024, as announced. Cinematography is being handled by Anith Madhadi and Production design is being handled by Gandhi Nadikudikar. Navin Nooli is the film’s editor.