It looks like the controversies are not leaving young actor Vishwak Sen as of now. For a few days, his indirect war with Sai Rajesh’s film, Baby is continuing, and today he has involved in another controversy as he called a netizen as MK (abusive word in Telugu) who was trolling Vishwak Sen by using abusive language. Netizens have made the tweet viral now.
Earlier, Vishwak Sen indirectly reacted to speculations about him refusing to be a part of Baby The Movie! Allu Arjun recently revealed that an actor has refused to even meet for the film’s narration in the film’s success event. He did not take the name of Vishwak but everyone had understood that he had targeted the latter. So when Vishwak Sen reacted to this controversy in another small film’s event, the video went viral and a netizen had abused him, to which Vishwak replied MK, which is also an abusive word.
Before that, Vishwak reacted to the Baby film unit and Allu Arjun’s comments indirectly saying, “When there is clarity on what we are doing, we would rather not waste the time of others as well. I would rather not listen to the narration for one hour and then say no. That was my personal choice. Some people felt bad about it and started criticizing me for not listening to the narration.”
He further said, “I am not biryani to make everyone happy. If our movie works well, we have to be happy and celebrate, instead of criticizing and blaming others. Everyone here in the industry will be happy if a movie becomes successful. Fortunately, I am one of the members of the WhatsApp group of directors, and I am the first one to congratulate after watching the trailer of that movie.”