Tamil Hero Vishal’s latest speech about director Adhik Ravichandran at the success meet of his latest film, Mark Antony, has received a massive applause from the fans and many. The film was released on September 15th, the last Friday. Vishal stated that Mark Antony is a milestone movie in his career and his first 100Cr Movie.
Directed by Adhik Ravichandran, the film stars Vishal and SJ Suryah in the lead roles. ‘Mark Antony’, a time travel gangster drama starring Ritu Varma, Abhinaya and others in the major roles, has been receiving good response from the masses. At this juncture, the success of the film was held in Chennai. Vishal, SJ Suryah, Adhik Ravichandran, Nizhalgal Ravi and Vishnupriya Gandhi participated in the event.
Speaking at the function, Vishal first spoke about the death of Vijay Antony’s daughter. “I always call Vijay Antony ‘Raja’. When I was in Hyderabad, I and S J Suryah sir and Adhik Ravichandran all spoke about the loss of Vijay Antony, we were deeply saddened that ‘when we have such a heavy mind, how will he (Vijay Antony) and his family going to face it?’
God should stand by their family. Such a big loss is no ordinary thing. It will take a long time to recover from it. Not just Vijay Antony, god should give everyone in their family the power to come out of this. I will stand by Vijay Antony for the rest of my life.”
Talking about the film later, he said, “When I announced that I was doing a film with Adhik, many people asked me, ‘Why are you doing a film with him too?’. I like the content and have faith in him too. I told him he’d do it right. The same people who asked me that are the ones who called me now and said, The film is good. Adhik Ravichandran has directed the film very well.
Now there is a possibility that plenty of people will call Adhik Ravichandran and ask him to give the next dates. That’s the world of cinema. Thank you, for the people who keep us alive. As far as Adhik Ravichandran is concerned, this is his first film. His journey is about to begin now”
Vishal also said that Mark Antony is his career biggest film, a milestone and will be joining the 100Cr club and which makes it the 1st ever 100Cr film in his career.