Before Vikram, Kamal Hassan’s recent movies have completely failed and taken quite a beating at the box office. This is why makers were a bit cautious about putting big money on his films. The Indian 2 project was supposed to be produced by Dil Raju but because of the budget issues he was dropped and Lyca Productions came forward. However, even after this, the budget issues couldn’t be controlled.
Because of this, the movie faced many legal issues and Lyca Productions even filed a case against director Shankar. The legal troubles for Shankar started with Lyca Productions accusing him of charging Rs 40 crore as remuneration and not proceeding with the film at a satisfactory pace.
With so many troubles faced by Indian 2, it was believed that the movie will be shelved. Both Kamal Hassan and Shankar usually don’t want to compromise anything but the recovery of such a huge budget film was under doubt.
But after Vikram’s success, Lyca Productions are feeling that they recover the budget from Kamal Hassan film if the content is good and they are planning to give all the freedom to Shankar and to resume the movie as soon as possible.