Tamil star Vijay’s action drama Varisu released last week for Pongal and witnessed true fans’ frenzy and excellent occupancies and collections across Tamil Nadu. Despite releasing in direct competition with Ajith’s Thunivu, the film managed to hold strong in the first week and recorded good collections all over. Vijay’s Varasudu, the Telugu version hit the screens on 14th January. Unfortunately, the same success of Tamil couldn’t be replicated with the Telugu version of the film.
Vijay’s Varasudu hasn’t managed to match its Tamil success and is running to empty houses. The pre-release business is done amounting to 20Cr in Telugu states. Later it was adjusted for some lesser prices and so far, the movie has collected around Rs 12Cr share in Telugu states which includes GST in some areas and Tamil version collections.
The Telugu version worth share will be in the range of Rs 10Cr and this is a flop performance for Vijay as he had earlier delivered Rs 15Cr share with Master. Considering Dil Raju and Vamshi Paidipally was associated with the movie, the film’s performance is very bad and unfortunately, the Telugu market has not increased for Vijay