Tamil Actor, Vijay’s upcoming film, The GOAT is one of the most awaited films in Kollywood. The film stars Vijay in dual roles and is directed by Venkat Prabhu. The shoot of the film is a happening on a brisk pace. Now, The GOAT’s story has been revealed on the social media which is spreading like a wildfire. Follow below:
A special team fights against the terrorists. Everything goes well until suddenly old problems and secrets from the past resurface causing trouble for the special anti-terrorist squad. These issues shake their stability and trust on each other. The GOAT is a thriller set in the terrorist backdrop.
The plot looks interesting and slightly follows earlier Vijay’s film, Beast. Venkat Prabhu is always known for incorporating a different screenplay.
The GOAT’s promotional content till now has not been working. So, the team is seriously thinking of releasing the trailer in the next week to avoid negativity ahead of the film’s release. The trailer now plays a crucial role in deciding the film’s hype and fate as well.
Three songs of the film didn’t work well with the fans and audiences. There will be no audio launch event for The GOAT as per sources. There will be a success meet like the one happened for Leo.