Vijay’s next film, tentatively titled #Thalapathy66 has officially been launched yesterday and the shoot for the same also began officially. Vijay for the first time is making his debut in Telugu with this project. This will also be made in Tamil. Vamshi Paidipally is the director and Dil Raju is producing the film under his banner. The film is made on Pan-Indian level. Rashmika Mandanna is also playing the female lead in the film.
The pooja for the film was done yesterday. The film’s cast and crew were present in the event. Vijay too was present for the event which is quite interesting. SS Thaman is also confirmed to be the music director for the film making his first collaboration with Vijay. Actor, Sharath Kumar was also present indicating his involvement in the film.
On the other hand, Vijay’s current film, Beast is arriving on April 13. Beast is also set to clash with the mighty, KGF Chapter 2 which is releasing on April 14. Beast created a sensation on YouTube by getting 30 Million + views in 24 hours. Beast songs, Arabic Kuthu and Jolly o Gymkhana received great views on YouTube. Anirudh scored the music for Beast.