Leo starring Vijay has created an immense craze in the trade circles both in Tamil Nadu and Telugu states. While the first reason for this craze is this is Vijay’s second collaboration with Lokesh Kanagaraj after Master. The second reason is Lokesh’s red hot form at the box office after Vikram and the anticipation of whether Leo will be a part of LCU or not.
The first single from the movie sung by Thalapathy himself was released for his birthday. Titled ‘Naa Ready’, the song has received a good response and now all eyes are set on the teaser. Vishnu Edvan has penned the lyrics while Anirudh Ravichander has composed the song and will look to repeat the musical success of his previous films with Vijay.
Coming to the business, the film is having a terrific demand both in domestic as well as overseas markets. Leo’s Telugu states rights have been bought by Disney for a massive amount of Rs 22Cr. This is an all-time record business for both Vijay & Lokesh Kanagaraj. After the massive success of Kaithi, Master, and Vikram in Telugu, Lokesh has created a big following across AP and Telangana, hence the record business.
Leo has a list of the big star cast besides Vijay and Trisha, among which Arjun Sarja, Priya Anand, Madonna Sebastian, Gautham Menon, Mathew Thomass, Mansoor Ali Khan, and Sandy. The action thriller will hit the screens on October 19th