Vijayendra Prasad seriously hurts NTR fans with his comments. It is widely known that since the release of RRR, an intense fight between Ram Charan and NTR fans has been going even until date. Though the film became a global blockbuster, both the fandoms even fought for the tag of “Global Star”. In such a tight situation, Vijayendra Prasad seriously hurts NTR fans with his comments in the latest interview.
SS Rajamouli’s directorial RRR movie came up with many expectations as it starred two-star heroes, Ram Charan and NTR. The film received an overwhelming response worldwide. It has also won National and International awards such as the Oscar, Golden Globe and Critics’ Choice in several categories. At the same time, the heroes of the film NTR and Ram Charan have also acquired global stardom.
As said above, RRR was made as a multi-starrer movie with NTR and Ram Charan. But, there were many arguments that Charan was given more importance. Writer Vijayendra Prasad also said that he likes Ram Charan’s role in a previous interview. It became a hot topic at that time. Now he has made a similar remark again and opened up a new debate.
In a recent interview, Vijayendra Prasad said, “I am not belittling any character. The two characters seemed alike while writing the story. But after watching the film, it was different. Ram Charan’s role in the movie had many variations. NTR’s role had innocence.”
Vijayendra Prasad continued to say. “NTR is a great actor. He performs superbly whatever role he is given. However, it was very difficult to play the role he played in the RRR movie. The role is supportive in taking the story forward. We did not try to show Ram Charan’s character as Lord Ram. We have shown it like Ramaraju. But it came like Lord Ram, maybe the impact of Lord Ram on showed an effect,” he said.
Now these comments have triggered the emotions of NTR fans. Vijayendra Prasad might make the remarks in a writer’s perspective, knowingly, or unknowingly he has hurt the fans of NTR.