Everyone is aware that the maverick director SS Rajamouli is going to work on a big pan India movie with superstar Mahesh Babu after a global blockbuster like RRR. Mahesh Babu and his fans are eagerly waiting for this project for a long time. Shri Durga Arts banner under K.L. Narayana will produce this movie. As an action-adventure, this movie will hit the screens on a massive scale by international standards. Meanwhile, Writer Vijayendra Prasad confirms that there will be Hollywood star cast in the film.
In a recent interview, when a media person asked whether the news of Hollywood stars to act in Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli’s movie, Vijayendra Prasad said there is definitely a possibility of that happen. He said the film, will be made as an adventure set in the African forest, and he stated he cannot share many details about the storyline.
Rajamouli, who has already decided on the storyline for this film, is occupied planning the pre-production works and workshop of this film cautiously. The workshop of this pan-India movie is set to start later in this year. Apart from that, it is said that Mahesh will be seen with a brand-new makeover in the range of Hollywood heroes in movie, which will be released on a gigantic scale by international standards.
Physically, the heroes in Rajamouli’s have always been fit. It is said that Mahesh will also be seen with a new makeover physically in the same vein. The pre-production work is in full swing and this movie will be launched on a grand scale next year.