Vijay Sethupathi loses the Market as a Hero and discovers reasons for it. The actor, Vijay Sethupathi, called as Makkan Selvan by his fans, is a familiar name in South Indian Cinema. The Vikram Veda Star will be soon seen in Sriram Raghavan’s upcoming thriller, Merry Christmas, starring Katrina Kaif alongside him. Vijay Sethupathi loses the Market as a Hero and discovers reasons for it.
Usually, Heroes do not want to play villain roles or character roles in other films unless it is a crucial positive character. But Vijay Sethupathi started doing villain and Character roles in other heroes films when he had a good market as the lead hero.
Thereafter, the 96 Actor was continuously busy, and he got massive offers in every language, but it also affected his market as the lead hero. Recently, Vijay Sethupathi realized that and officially said that he will not do any character artist or villain roles from now for some days and will concentrate only on lead roles.
Reportedly after Jawan release, Vijay Sethupathi has taken this decision. In the recent past interaction with the media, he said that many of his scenes had been edited in Jawan to raise the hero elevations. His next film, Merry Christmas, is set to be released on this 12th January in Theaters. From now, Vijay Sethupathi will do films as a lead hero only.
Merry Christmas will be released on January 12. The movie also stars Radhika Apte, Sanjay Kapoor, and Vinayak Pathak in key roles. The film will be released both in Hindi and Tamil.