A couple of months ago, Vijay had a meeting with his Vijay Makkal Iyakkam leaders from all 234 constituencies in Tamil Nadu. The meeting was held at the organization office in Panaiyur in Chennai. Following the meeting, one of the members who was a part of the meeting informed that “Vijay said in the meeting that when the time comes for him to enter politics, he will quit films and will fully engage in politics to serve the people who place trust in him”
This led to reports that Vijay will be distancing himself from the movies and Venkat Prabhu’s project could be his last. Vijay’s team has already confirmed that ‘Thalapathy’ is entering politics.
Apart from his political entry, the buzz in Kollywood circles is that Vijay is planning to start a news channel as he enters politics. It has almost become a necessity to have a news channel in order to have a political career and Vijay is thinking on these lines at the moment.
Now, reports are emerging that Thalapathy is not retiring and the discussions on his next project have started. There was a massive buzz that he is in talks with Shankar, Nelson, and even Atlee. Most likely he is expected to collaborate with Shankar for the next