Tamil Superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s fans are going overboard on social media by overestimating their star’s Telugu box office potential. As their hero movie is now going to be released for Sankranthi in Telugu as well, Vijay fans are all guns against other two Telugu biggies Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy.
Some overenthusiastic fans are even trolling Megastar and Balakrishna too. It is known that Dil Raju is producing Varisu/Varasudu starring Thalapathy Vijay. The film is slated for 2023 Sankranthi competing with Chiru and Balayya movies.
During the release of Pettaa in 2019, Dil Raju claimed that Telugu straight movies must get more preference in Sankranthi race. Now the tables are turned, he is releasing a dubbing film for Sankranthi.
Netizens are poking at Dil Raju’s contradictory statements and actions, sources are claiming that Dil Raju is holding good number of theaters for Varasudu, quite opposite to what he said in the past.
In this connection, Vijay fans are propagating a narrative that the Mega and Nandamuri fans are afraid of Vijay. They are getting one step ahead by elevating their hero to the level of Megastar and Balayya’s box office stamina.
Vijay has never got a great blockbuster in Telugu. None of his films got collections like KGF Or Kantara in Telugu states. His movies only got moderate success despite getting released in festive seasons. The maximum share he ever got was around 10 crores in Telugu states. Without considering the reality, their highhanded behavior is arrogant if not funny.
Producers council also advised that Telugu movies must get more theaters. Fans also have to maintain harmony and mutual respect, especially for senior stars. Even Thalapathy Vijay gives immense respect to senior actors. Fans should take a leaf out of the page from their hero’s behavior and follow it in their life. Being humble is nothing wrong.