Actress Trisha, Thala Ajith and Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt are shooting in Azerbaijan for the upcoming film “Vidaamuyarchi”, which is being directed by Magizh Thirumeni. Thala Ajith’s public relations officer Suresh Chandra has posted important information about his bike tour company on his Twitter page on Thursday evening. However, the timing of the letter issue has made Vijay fans believe that Ajith’s team had felt insecure about the Leo trailer release.
If we observe the letter the date was clearly mentioned as 28th September, but Ajith’s team has released exactly at the same time of Leo’s trailer release. That is why Vijay fans believe this was done by Ajth’s team because of insecurity on Leo.
According to a statement released by Suresh Chandra, Ajith has now officially launched a bike tour company called “Venus Motorcycle Tour”. The tours will be set up under the guidance of people with years of experience in the field of bike tours, he added.
For the moment, they are planning to ride a bike to Rajasthan, Arab countries (UAE), Oman, Thailand, and New Zealand. “These rides have been arranged in consultation with experienced experts on the routes from here to the aforementioned countries and all the places where we can stay in between,” he said in his post.