Tollywood’s top production house Sri Venkateswara Creations has announced on social media that it is going to do a new project with young director Ravi Kiran Kola. They announced that they are happy to be doing the upcoming project with Ravi Kiran Kola. He is the director who stole the audience hearts with the film Raja Varu Rani garu. Though the production house, Sri Venkateswara Banner did not announce the name of the film’s Hero, it is being reported that Vijay Deverakonda will be the one who will be leading this project.
The inside reports strongly suggest that this film is signed by Vijay Deverakonda. It is interesting to note that Vijay Deverakonda is already doing a film under the direction of Petla Parasuram’s in Dil Raju banner now he signed this film as well. Reportedly, the film will be made as a gangster drama.
Director Ravi Kiran Kola made his debut in Tollywood with the film Raja Varu Rani garu. Kiran Abbavaram was the hero and Rahasya Gorak was the heroine of the film, which was released in 2019. Kiran, who got success with his first film, is now coming up with a series of films. Meanwhile, director Ravi Kiran Kola has announced his new project. He even worked as a writer and showrunner for Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam, starring Vishwak Sen.