Vijay Deverakonda has been a long-time admirer of Superstar Mahesh Babu. Both on stage as well as off it, Vijay has spoken about his love for the Superstar. Now, speaking to a publication he once again expressed the same.
“Mahesh Babu has been my favorite actor for a long time. I still remember watching Murari in theatres and it was an amazing experience. Now we have these multiplexes and pre-bookings but, back then getting a ticket for a Mahesh movie was a huge task. We had to go and stand in line for hours and then also there was no guarantee of a ticket,” said Vijay.
The ‘Liger’ actor also expressed his gratitude to Mahesh for always being encouraging towards new talents in the industry.
“After the release of Pelli Chupulu, Mahesh sent me a message on Twitter appreciating my performance. Believe me, I felt as if I had conquered the world. Such praise from him meant a lot to me,” he stated.
Vijay Deverakonda is currently busy with Liger and is putting in great efforts to transform into a professional MMA fighter. The film will be a pan-India project and will release on 25th August 2022.