Anand Deverakonda’s Pushpaka Vimanam is all set to hit the screens on 12th November. The recently released trailer showcased Anand as a school teacher whose wife leaves him right after the wedding. Vijay Devarakonda has produced this comedy-drama and debutant Damodara has directed it.
Of the entire cast and crew, it’s Vijay Deverakonda, who has the maximum confidence on the project. He has been relentlessly promoting the film for the past few weeks. Over the last few days, he has been relentlessly doing special interviews and touring colleges. A special premiere has also been planned for the movie on 11th November at the AVD Mahboobnagar.
Pushpaka Vimanam features a Geeth Saini and Saanve Meghana in lead roles. Suni, Naresh, Harsha Vardhan are also playing key support characters. Vijay will soon move on to the US schedule of Liger and will join the rest of the crew for the shoot.