Makers of Vijay Devarakonda’s Liger today announced that they have postponed the launch of teaser of the film. Vijay and Ananya Pandey star in the lead roles in this film produced by Dharma Productions. The production house posted on social media today that the there was a plan of launching the movie’s teaser today.
“However due to the current scenario and environment that our country is facing, we have decided to postponed the same in the hope to share it with the world at a better time for us all,” cited the note as the reason for postponement of the teaser.
Vijay Devarakonda will be seen in a never before avatar and that the fans will not be disappointed added the statement.
The movie will have a bunch of massy action scenes in true Puri Jagannath style. Vijay will be essaying the role of a national level boxer in the first half. Post this, he would move on to international arena in the second half. Vijay’s massy characterisation and Puri’s intense writing are going to be the high points of the movie. Ramya Krishna will also be playing a crucial role in the movie.