Vijay Antony and Sivakarthikeyan got involved in an unexpected tussle. It is widely known that Sivakarthikeyan and Sudha Kongara have collaborated for the first time on a project that has been named Parasakthi. The film’s Title teaser was released a few hours ago, and the fans of SK were excited about it. However, an unexpected controversy has surrounded the film as Vijay Antony questions Parasakthi Title.
While SK 25 has been titled Parasakthi across languages, Vijay Antony-starrer has chosen to keep Parashakthi as its Telugu title, while in Tamil, it is titled Shakthi Thirumagan. Interestingly both films mark the 25th outing for respective lead actors.
Vijay Antony made an official statement that they have rightfully registered the title in July 2024 with the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce. However, we can see that in the official letter that the actor/music director shared, the title is Paraashakthi, and it is grammatically different from Sivakarthikeyan’s film. But if two films are released with the same title, then there can be solid confusion among audiences.
Though Vijay Antony questions Parasakthi Title, AVM Productions, the banner that has the rights to the 1952 film starring the legendary actor Sivaji Ganesan, released a statement that they are happy to provide the title to Dawn Pictures which is producing Sivakarthikeyan’s film. The veteran production house also congratulated Sudha Kongara and the team for their project.