Vijay Antony, the renowned Tamil actor and music composer, made his first public statement after losing his beloved daughter Meera. Meera, a 16-year-old, tragically took her own life on September 19, leaving her family and the Tamil film industry in shock and sorrow. To express his deep emotions and memories of his daughter, the grief-stricken father took to X (formerly Twitter). In his sincere statement, he contemplated Meera’s life and the profound effect her loss has had on him.
On September 19, Vijay Antony and Fatima were confronted with the unimaginable news of their daughter Meera’s passing, which was a heartbreaking incident to not only them but everyone. At the age of 16, she had a bright future ahead of her. The sudden death of Meera by suicide sent shockwaves through their family and the entire Tamil film industry.
Vijay Antony shared his first public statement on X in response to Meera’s tragic death. His message, which was delivered in Tamil, was resonant with many as he shared his grief and memories of his beloved daughter. He expressed that Meera was a girl who was loving and courageous, but now resides in a place that is free of caste, creed, money, jealousy, pain, poverty, and animosity. In his heart-wrenching words, Vijay Antony confessed, “I have died with her. I have now started spending time for her. I will now do good things on her behalf, and she will kick start them.”
His statement touched the hearts of his fans and colleagues, as well as showed the depth of his love for Meera, along with his dedication to maintaining her memory through positive actions.
Meera Vijay Antony’s untimely demise created a void that cannot be filled. She was the elder daughter of Vijay Antony and Fatima, known for her exceptional academic achievements and her role as the cultural secretary head at Sacred Heart Matriculation School in Chennai.