Viduthalai Part 2 starring Vijay Sethupathi released today amid good hype. The film has received unanimous positive reviews and word of mouth from the fans and audience. Director of the film, Vetrimaaran who is regarded as one of the best directors of Kollywood has once again proved his mettle with Viduthalai Part 2.
This is his 7th film and the Director has also managed to score hit with every film till now. The Prequel, Viduthalai Part 1 too acclaimed great praise after its release among the audience for its story and taking. Now, Viduthalai Part 2 looks to follow the same response and fate. The film is expected to gross more than 100 crores worldwide with these signs.
Vijay Sethupathi will be the biggest winner here with the film. His previous film, Maharaja became a blockbuster this year also bringing his performance many accolades. The film which was released recently in China is storming the box office and is inching close to 100 crores there itself.