Vidaamuyarchi Trailer is arriving. The latest action thriller from Ajith Kumar was all set to arrive in theaters for this Pongal/Sankranthi. However, the film was postponed at the last minute. Now, the latest release date for the film is January 23rd, and the Vidaamuyarchi Trailer is arriving soon.
The main reason for the movie’s postponement is clearance issues from the original, Hollywood film Breakdown’s producers. Reportedly, the team did the entire shoot without buying the rights and the makers of Breakdown asked a heavy price to release the NOC.
With this, the movie was pushed from Sankranthi, and now all issues are said to be resolved. The team is waiting for the official NOC letter, which is expected to come shortly, after getting the NOC letter the team Vidaamuyarchi will immediately release the trailer with a release date announcement, The trailer is likely to be released before this weekend, and the theatrical release will be in this month end.