Vettaiyan starring Rajinikanth had a decent 1st weekend performance at the box office. But it failed to sustain the speed from the first Monday. Vettaiyan managed to collect around 210 crores in the 1st week. In the 2nd weekend as well, it failed to witness a big jump going very flat. For 11 days the film gross is expecte to be around 235 crores. Vettaiyan’s poor 2nd weekend performance indicates the film should be marked a flop.
Vettaiyan may end up its run well behind 250 crores worldwide. The breakeven mark for worldwide box office is around 325 crores. So, the film’s final recovery could be around 75%. The Telugu version recovery is also only 2/3rd of the pre-release business for the buyers. Vettaiyan’s Telugu version is a flop already.
Rajinikanth faced back to back setbacks this year with Lal Salaam in the beginning and with Vettaiyan now. He is also decided to compensate the Production house, Lyca Productions with one more film starring for a less remuneration. But, his upcoming film, Coolie directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj will break many exisiting records at the box office.