Rajinikanth’s latest film, Vettaiyan has decent opening weekend at Box office. Within four days of its release, the film grossed more than Rs 120 crore in India. Vettaiyan is an investigative drama centered on a gripping crime story and the never-ending hunt for justice. The film stars Rajinikanth in the lead role and has a great supporting cast that adds to the drama. The film breakeven value is at 325 Cr worldwide.
The film collected Rs 38 crore on its first day, Rs 28 crore on day two, Rs 32 crore on day three, and around Rs 25 crore on day four in India. With this, the film’s total India box office collection on its first Sunday surpassed Rs 123 crores. The film’s total worldwide gross surpassed Rs 185 crores, showcasing Rajani movies’ potential once more. The movie took in roughly $7.5 million internationally on weekend, disappointing perfomance in all overseas territories
The film needs to hold strong on week days to achieve breakeven status. Worldwide recovery for 1st weekend is 57%. The advances for today is poor, Need strong walk-ins for good day at Box office.