Veteran actor Venkatesh Daggubati made his first televison appearance in a crime drama series titled ‘Rana Naidu’. An official remake of the American TV series Ray Donovan, it also features his nephew Rana Daggubati in a lead role.
Back in March 2023, this series premiered on Netflix to widespread criticism from audiences and critics; particularly for its foul language and sexual content, Venkatesh received harsh remarks from a family audience. Taking it as feedback, the actor promised to repeat such acts in his future endeavors.
However, the show fared well on the streaming platform, gaining record viewership among Indian web series. Considering its success, a second season of Rana Naidu has been in production lately, and an official announcement regarding the same is out. This Netflix series also features Surveen Chawla, Priya Benerjee, and Suchitra Pillai.